We are happy to be able to present the Flipped Digital Toolkit, open and available for anyone who wants to become the next generation of Flipped Digital Teachers!
This is the final draft of the digital Toolkit, and we woudl be happy for anyone to use it and leave feedback in neccessary on our website www.flippeddigitalteachers.com
To access the ENG-version of the Toolkit, please follow this link: Erasmus+ Flipped Digital Teachers project (pub.ro)
Overview of the Flipped Digital Toolkit
The Training Course consits of 9 Modules and takes you through the theory of Flipped and Blended Learning, the different types of Flipped Classrooms, benefits and challenges of a Flipped Classrom, and the neccessary LMS, digital tools and strategies you need, to implement and succeed when Flippin your Classroom.
Module 1 This modules serves as an introduction to the Flipped Digital Teachers Training Course. Module 2 - Defining the Flipped Methodology This module describes how to define the Flipped training methodology Module 3 - Flipped Classroom Models Learn about the Flipped Classroom Models Module 4 - Benefits and Challenges of a Flipped Classroom Learn about the benefits and challenges of Flipped Training Module 5 - Implementing a Flipped Classroom Learn how to implement a Flipped Classroom Module 6 - Structure of a Flipped Classroom Learn about the structure of a Flipped Classroom Module 7 - Planning a Flipped Lesson Learn how to plan a Flipped Lesson Module 8 - Digital implementation of a Flipped Classroom Module 9 - Monitoring and Assessing the Flipped Classroom Learn how to monitor and assess the Flipped Classroom Module 10 - LMS, social media tools, online communication tools for a Flipped Classroom.
Learn about the following: LMS, social media tools and online communication tools suitable for the Flipped Educational Models
The 10 short Video Pills are a nice tool to be able to see and understand how you most effectively can use different digital plattforms for any part of the Flipped Classroom. Here you can see how to become a Zoom Teacher Master, how you use Google Classroom and all it's features, how to use the LMS called Classflow, how to created videos and different material for your Flipped Class through TedED and Google Classroom, and how to use social media plattforms in your teaching.
You can also find the Video Pills here: https://www.youtube.com/@flippeddigitalteachers
Video Pill 1- Learning Management System (LMS) in online learning activities How a Learning Management System (LMS) works and how teachers can use it in learning activities.
Video Pill 2 - How to create an online pre-class material in learning activites How to create an online pre-class material using the free available tools like Google Classroom and TedEd Video Pill 3 - How to create an online task on pre-class material How to create an online task on pre-class material using the free available tools like Google Classroom and TedEd
Video Pill 4 - how to create an online assessment of pre-class material How to create an online assessment of pre-class material using free available tools
Video Pill 5 - Using classflow to create a lesson How to use a free software Classflow to create a new content and resources activities for online lesson
Video Pill 6 - how to use Google Forms to create an English class self-assessment How to use Google Forms to create an English class self-assessment
Video Pill 7 - Social Media and learning Whatsapp and Facebook How to use Social Media and learning Whatsapp and Facebook
Video Pill 8 - Applications in Flipped Classroom activities. How to use different free available applications in Flipped Classroom activities.
Video Pill 9 - the ZOOM app in a flipped classroom activities. How to use the ZOOM app in a flipped classroom activities. Video Pill 10 - Become the best digital teacher. How to become the best digital teacher in a flipped classroom activities.
The Interactive Catalogue of Best Practices is specifically designed for teachers of the migrant collective, to be able to see and share problems and solutions to their everyday teaching. Here you can find the Flipped Method being implemented into the daily issues any teacher might face, solved with Flipped solutions!
And for some extras, here is the full list of digital tools to use when you plan, implement and create your Flipped Class!
Want do discuss and share you experience with the Toolkit or teaching Flipped? Please join our Facebook-group with likminded teachers!
If you want to receive a downloadable draft of the Flipped Digital Teachers Toolkit in SCORM format, make sure to send us an email flippedigitalteachers@gmail.com