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Flipped Digital Teachers Toolkit is now final!

We are happy to be able to present the final version of the Flipped Digital Toolkit, an open educational platform, for anyone to use and implement in their teaching!  This Toolkit servers to create the next generation of Flipped Digital Teachers, and improve especially the educational settings with migrants and newly arrived. The Toolkit is available in English, Greek, Swedish, Polish and Spanish. 


To access the Toolkit, please follow this link: Course: FlippedDT EN version (


Overview of the Flipped Digital Toolkit











Flipped Digital Teachers Training Course

Module 1 Introduction - This module serves as an introduction to the Flipped Digital Teachers Training Course.
Module 2 - Defining the Flipped Methodology. This module describes how to define the Flipped training methodology

Module 3 - Flipped Classroom Models. Learn about the Flipped Classroom Models

Module 4 - Benefits and Challenges of a Flipped Classroom. Learn about the benefits and challenges of Flipped Training

Module 5 - Implementing a Flipped Classroom. Learn how to implement a Flipped Classroom

Module 6 - Structure of a Flipped Classroom. Learn about the structure of a Flipped Classroom

Module 7 - Planning a Flipped Lesson. Learn how to plan a Flipped Lesson

Module 8 - Digital implementation of a Flipped Classroom. Learn about the digital implementation of a Flipped Classroom Module 9 - Monitoring and Assessing the Flipped Classroom. Learn how to monitor and assess the Flipped Classroom Module 10 - LMS, social media tools, online communication tools for a Flipped Classroom. Learn about the following: LMS, social media tools and online communication tools suitable for the Flipped Educational Models


10 Training Video Pills

Video Pill 1- Learning Management System (LMS) in online learning activities

Video Pill 1 shows how Learning Management System (LMS) work and how teachers can use it in learning activities.

Video Pill 2 - How to create an online pre-class material in learning activites
Video Pill 2 shows how to create online pre-class material using tools like Google Classroom and TedEd.
Video Pill 3 - How to create an online task on pre-class material
Video Pill 3 shows how to create online tasks on pre-class material using tools like Google Classroom and TedEd

Video Pill 4 - how to create an online assessment of pre-class material
Video Pill 4 shows how to create online assessment to pre-class material tools like Google Forms or Classflow

Video Pill 5 - Using Classflow to create a lesson
Video Pill 5 for shows how to use the software Classflow to create in-class activities

Video Pill 6 - how to use Google Forms to create an English class self-assessment
Video Pill 6 shows how to use Google Forms to create an English class self-assessment for in-class activities

Video Pill 7 - Social Media and learning Whatsapp and Facebook
Video Pill No shows how to use Social Media in learning

Video Pill 8 - Flipped Apps in a Flipped Classroom!
Video Pill 8 shows how to use apps in Flipped Classroom activities.

Video Pill 9 - ZOOM in a Flipped Classroom activities.
Video Pill 9 shows how to use all ZOOM-features  in a Flipped Classroom.
Video Pill 10 - Become the best digital teacher.
Video Pill 10 shows tips and techniques to become the best digital teacher!


Also available on our Youtube-channel: Flipped Digital Teachers - YouTube


The Interactive Catalog of Best Practices



For sharing your experience with the Toolkit and connecting with likeminded teaches, please join the private Facebook-group. You can find it here:

#FlippedDTs #ErasmusPlus

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The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. The project leading to this application has received funding from the European Community Programme ERASMUS+, under grant agreement NO – 2021-1-SE01-KA220-VET-000025162

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