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Project Objectives

  • Address digital transformation through development of digital readiness and capacity.


  • Contribute to innovation in Adult Education through new learning/teaching methods.


  • Promote inclusion, diversity, equality and non-discrimination in adult education.


  • Deliver inclusive education through a blended approach to vulnerable groups in society.


  • Minimize the risks that the trainers face with vulnerable groups in terms of disconnection.


  • Equip trainers with necessary tools to implement a training offer that allows a blended approach.


  • Create a Flipped Classroom training, that allows trainers to become creators of digital content.


  • Design a set of open educational resources for trainers to become the driving force behind the educational challenge in the post-Covid era.


  • Develop a training Toolkit that can be used by any trainer/teacher.


  • Show teachers/trainers how to use technologies for humanizing and maintaining the engagement


  • Help teachers to search, identify, filter and select digital tools/resources available to them


  • Assess and train own and students' digital competencies and develop online activities.


  • Create the new generation of Flipped Digital Teachers

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