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The Challenge

Today, education programs and socio-labor insertion for vulnerable groups are offered 99% face-to-face, which represents a huge challenge for trainers/teachers in the post Covid-era. During the pandemic, the importance of online education has indeed emerged, and is here to stay!


It has become important for trainers and students to have a better use of technology. In this new training era, not only trainers will have to learn new methods and tools, but more importantly, they will have to learn and adopt these approaches for the vulnerable groups in their teaching.


Technology is the basis, but will not be the only tool. Rather than focusing only on student access to learning, educators/trainers also need to facilitate social and collaborative interaction to ensure students are emotionally connected and engaged in the learning process. 


The best trainers will not be those who have the best technology, but those who discover which new methodologies are the most appropriate to respond to the challenges of the digital era.

The trainers face the challenge of being the change leaders towards a new learning era, which will focus on the online modality rather than on the face-to-face modality, in a type of offer which has the added challenge of being more than training; to also be a key element in the socialization and integration process.


The factors underpinning heightened disengagement among the collective in online training, are feelings of disconnectedness. By finding ways to connect with students and facilitate connections among students and their peers, teachers/trainers play a key role in boosting student retention and helping them fully engage within their academic degree program.

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